Sunday, December 30, 2007

stupid lazy syndrome

stupid lazy syndrome
-infection disease in population,the most dangerous diseases,and also as known as social lazy diseases

iatrogenic etiology..still under investigation(bacteria?vir
us?parasite?hereditary?endocrine diseases?nerve diseases?)


malas nak study
malas nak mandi
malas nak jalan
malas nak masak
malas nak update blog
malas nak berbual
malas nak layan org
malas nak jumpa org
malas nak berbual
malas nak amik tahu
malas nak wat keje
malas nak pi kedai
malas nak pergi sekolah
malas nak pergi kerja
malas nak bangun tidur
malas nak call rumah
malas nak makan
malas nak minum
malas nak membebel dalam blogspot
malas nak hidup
malas nak wat semua benda
malas nak bercinta
malas nak jadi malas

lab diagnosis time analysis-
проба зарифа(zharif method)
1.take one text book,
2.patient seat in front computer
3.,open the computer and open the most favourite website that the patient like open the text book and start the time
5.observe the patient how long it can keep his eye on the text book
6.take the time when he start to see the computer during studying

now u get the result based on проба зарифа(zharif method)
степень тяжести of stupid lazy syndrome
легкая - 30 min
среднее тяжелый -29-15 min
тяжелый -15-1 min

1.обший режим
2.стол 5
3. медикаментозный терапии
5 tab.rajini drug 2oo mg/day

if medication not effective to treat the syndrome..-
follow to operation treatment- brain resection operation...


Mila Liyana said...

shameera satgi lepas baca blog engkau mesti dia ikut proba Zharifa nih.. huahuahua..

ps: tab. rajini nak dapat kat mana?

amnah my. said...

malas nak mandi?
mengata orang dia sendiri yg malas..

mr.identity said...

org rajin nak mandi laa..tu saje je laa tulis..amnah2.ish2 x baik menuduh ni..tu hakikat laaa..

hehe utk ada di jual di farmasi sri ram kat tu kita leh wat sendiri...