Thursday, October 25, 2007

TRUST long i not with cycle this cycle is interesting too for me..

this blog is the way and the medium where i can practice my philosophy knowledge..even i know i cant write like William Shakespeare..hehe..i dont care..this is my life and my blog..i decide my life even though i know i just PLAN it..and It ALREADY planned by AlMighty ALLAH..but i success HIS plan

my philosophy for today is...

about trust..(kepercayaan)

alaa mcm dalam rukun negara..hehe kepercayaan kepada tuhan....

but today i want tell u,about the definition of trust in the real life..


trust ur GOD

trust ur ability

trust ur family

trust urself

trust ur spirit

and at last but no the last..................

trust the person that u can trust,dont trust the person that u cant trust..

even it so simple...but it still philosophy of life...

but in Islamic practice when we talk about trust..we will talk about rukun Iman

the main thing trust urself and ability which able to motivate urself everyday and can cultivate ur self confidence..

believe it..

"the excellent person is the person who believe and trust her or his self and ability"

1 comment:

afiqawe said...

apa beza trust , faith, iman, believe ye?

*ps; semalam semua tunggu zharif..
gi mana?